Playing in Michigan, Labor Day Weekend

Hey all-

I think the last time I played in my hometown, I was 19 years old. My music has changed somewhat since then, but I still run with much the same crowd. Some of them will be sharing the stage with me Saturday August 30th at the Northville Winery, starting at 7pm. I'll be playing songs from my new EP, as well as some older stuff and select covers. The show is outside in the sun and fresh air, and kids are more than welcome. The Northville Winery is a great place run by my friends Rob and Carina Nelson. Come check out their local wines, beers, and hard ciders, some with original label art by my dear pal Jon Cooney. Sunshine, music, and booze, folks! Ahh....summer.

Info and directions to the winery can be found on their website.